Membership Renewals (do not use the electronic form below)
If you are RENEWINGa membership, then you should log-in (upper corner of this screen) using the email address where your renewal notification was sent and your ATMIM password, then click on your name to your enter your profile. In the "Membership Section" you should see an option to renew your membership.
New Members Please Complete the Form Below.
Access to member only events (conferences, webinars, etc.),
Access to our newsletter,
Access to emails of interest regarding professional development, educator awards, and student awards,
Access to a network of individuals from across the state with a wealth of knowledge on all things related to Mathematics Education,
Potential to be a presenter at a local conference and develop your leadership potential.
What are my membership dues used for?
ATMIM is a 100% volunteer organization run by teachers in Massachusetts which means we have no paid staff members. Membership dues are used to pay for such things as:
Our website - including membership database and event registration processing
Teaching Awards
Student Scholarships
Your ATMNE membership dues
If you encounter problems applying or renewing membership, please contact ATMIMs membership chair.