ATMIM Teacher Meet-Up:
Holiday Sweaters and Self-Care!
Join the ATMIM Board and Educators from around the state for our monthly Zoom meet-up and discussion. Each month we feature a new topic with opportunities to share ideas and resources and collaborate with colleagues from across Massachusetts (and beyond). This month we will focus on sharing self-care strategies as we all try to navigate through these unprecedented times. As part of this meet-up we will be awarding a prize for the best holiday sweater!
Bring a cup of your favorite holiday spirit
and join our meet-up!
December 9, 2020
8:00-9:00 pm
Click here to register
NOTE: Registration is open to both members and non-members. The link takes you to a Google Form that asks for your information that will be used to send you a Zoom link prior to the event.
©Association of Teachers of Mathematics